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A New Vocabulary for North Saanich?

So far, you haven’t heard much about the October 15 Municipal Election

But You Will!

October 15th is the big day, and there's a lot of work to do. Why?

Because if the good people of North Saanich don't turn out to vote,

the current council's OCP will become our new reality,

and North Saanich will be lost forever.

Last month, the current council directed staff to grease up the typewriter and get cracking on the final larval stage of the new OCP: the drafting. The majority of the current council have accepted this blueprint for destructive change. For McTavish Village, for townhouses, cluster homes, and apartment buildings. For small-lot subdivision, "cottage clusters", commercial and mixed use development. For nooks galore. That is to say, for so much of what we rallied against last July at Muncipal Hall. This big-city OCP is set for presentation to the New Council after the October 15 election. Clearly, what the New Council decides to do with it – take it to heart or take it to Hartland – is the pivotal question. And of course, that decision will turn entirely upon who is elected. TO SAVE NORTH SAANICH, THE RIGHT PEOPLE NEED TO WIN THIS ELECTION. The good news is that two of the staunchest defenders of North Saanich, who have consistently voted against the crack-pottery of the new OCP

are standing for office once more: Jack McClintock and Celia Stock But if we don't re-elect them, and five great people to keep them company,

the alternative is not pretty. Because if, in some sort of a semi-conscious fugue state, the community elects a developers’ Council, that Council will roll into office to find a comprehensive commercial and residential development plan drafted and ready to go. With the Planning Department ever at the ready to “get ‘er done”, North Saanich will, in very short order, forever become a whole different place. Take a walk through Sidney if you need a reminder of what a development-crazed council can achieve in a single term. The next four weeks will determine which way it goes.

What can you do to help? VOTE! If you do nothing else – ever! – VOTE! Here’s how, where and when:

General Voting will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at North Saanich Municipal Hall (1620 Mills Road). Advance voting will be held on Wednesday, October 5 and Wednesday, October 12, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at North Saanich Municipal Hall. Information on voting by mail is here. HELP YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS VOTE! Offer them information, advice, a ride to the polls. On Election Day, make sure their ballot is in! PUT UP A LAWN SIGN! In fact, THE WORLD’S FIRST EVER SAVENORTHSAANICH LAWN SIGNS are ready for placement, and the first 100 are free to subscribers of this website! A fabulous accessory to the candidate signs on your lawn, these tasteful placards will show that the candidates you support are the candidates who support this beautiful place we call home. Email, snag a piece of history and show you care! DONATE AND VOLUNTEER FOR YOUR CANDIDATES! SNS will be evaluating the candidates and their positions on the issues in an upcoming post, but voters should do the same thing. Campaigns require an astonishing amount of time and people-power, and not a few dollars on top of that. Please consider helping out with both campaigning and campaign expense. Donation rules are here. SUPPORT SAVENORTHSAANICH.CA A gentle reminder that all this doesn’t come free, even though we’re all volunteers. There are web and email expenses, signs and other media, and a few other fun surprises on the way. SNS is a registered third-party sponsor, which means donations to SNS are limited to $1250 - which would be great, thank you very much - but one doesn’t have to kick in big to make a big difference, and all help is appreciated.

Donations can be made here. SNS spending is reviewed by Elections BC, and donation rules can be found here.


1 Comment

Phil DiBattista
Phil DiBattista
Sep 26, 2022

Hello Everyone,

My Name is Phil DiBattista and I am a candidate for council in North Saanich this term. I wanted to provide a comment in regards to the most recent post about ""The candidates who will Save North Saanich"

I, like Mayoral Candidate Nancy Borden (whom I do not know) find myself disappointed that I was not contacted about my background and reasons for wanting to serve our community on council this term before the article was published.

While I support any one in our community wanting to post their opinions and beliefs I believe that it is important for everyone to know as much about candidates as possible so they can make an informed decision.

I thank the…

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