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The Candidates who will Save North Saanich

There's no question that the question on everyone’s mind is “Who should I vote for?”

We’ve heard it literally hundreds of times since

the final list of candidates was published on September 9.

“With three people running for mayor and 13 running for

council, how can I possibly decide?”

Well, if you’re interested in developing North Saanich;

if you favor the current council’s OCP;

if you want McTavish Village, cluster housing, small lot development (aka "sensitive infill"), apartment buildings, and neighborhood nooks,

then, friend: you’re on your own.

If, on the other hand, your interests lie in preserving and protecting

the place you call home; the community character and the rural climate,

the neighborhood you live in and the people next door;

if you’re looking for - if you’re desperate for - leadership who listens;

and, above all, if you understand the irreplaceable potential that North Saanich agriculture represents for us in our district and well beyond, then – please – read below. is proud to support the six women and men profiled below.

We've spoken with them all at length, and each of them has

persuaded us that together they value what we all value:

the preservation of this beautiful place.

We believe you should vote for these people.

Let us make very clear though: This is not a slate.

While we're thrilled that six such wonderful people have stepped up

to help save this community,

we have nothing to do with anyone's campaign, platform development, or anything else.

We are, however, very supportive of their candidacies.

And once you're done reading about them, we think you will be too.

Without further ado, and in alphabetical order,

here's who we're absolutely delighted to support.

Peter Jones for mayor

And for council:

Jack McClintock

Irene McConkey

Terri Rolph

Sanjiv Shrivastava

Celia Stock

Read on for bios and contact information,

(which you'll need in order to donate generously to these excellent candidates!)

But first, two upcoming events that are worth your attention:

On Monday, September 26th, there is an all-candidates meeting at the Mary Winspear Centre, hosted by the centre and the Black Press. It starts at 6:30 PM.

On Wednesday, September 28, the North Saanich Residents Association is hosting

North Saanich's own all-candidates meeting

at the Saanich Presbyterian Church,

starting at 7:00 PM.

(All are welcome, not just NSRA members.)

Now to the bios....

With a University degree in Electrical and Construction Engineering, post-graduates in Law and Economics, and a diploma in Urban and Land Economics from UBC, for 22 years Peter Jones has applied his knowledge on behalf of major international organizations, collaborating with municipalities throughout Canada.  He has literally decades of hands-on experience working on land use, community planning, and legislation and regulation in B.C. and across Canada. His career has been spent engaging with mayors, councillors, and all manner of other public administrators.  

In short, Peter knows exactly how things work on the inside, and now looks forward to putting his expertise to work for his community.  President of the Dean Park Residents’ Association for the last five years, Peter has one son and three grandchildren, and, after 27 years as a resident of North Saanich, “wouldn’t live anywhere else in the world.”

We're with you on that, Peter.

You can visit Peter's website here.

You can reach him by email at and by phone at 778-586-5479.

Now running for a third term, Jack McClintock has spent eight years as a member of North Saanich council, seven years as a Fish & Wildlife Officer, and 25 years as a police officer (in both urban and rural settings) while further investing in his community as a Salvation Army and Tour de Rock volunteer, a children’s author, and the father of

three wonderful daughters. Trusted, honest and informed, Jack has voted repeatedly for limited government, fiscal prudence and – above all – a resident-oriented OCP.

You can contact Jack at or 250-888-4890.

You can contribute via e-transfer to

Irene McConkey always knew North Saanich was where she wanted to call home:

She became actively involved in trying to save the Loop Trails before she even moved in!

Arriving here with her husband, Dave, in 2016, after years of organizational and technical experience at a major telecommunications provider, she turned her energy and acumen to the protection and betterment of the Dean Park community, first as its municipal liaison and then as vice-president in the newly elected

executive of the Dean Park Community Association.

A fixture in the audience at North Saanich council meetings, she’s addressed the councillors in regard to the OCP dozens of times. And as a member of Council - she’s pledged to “Keep It Real, Keep it Rural.”

Reach Irene at,

and contribute via e-transfer contributions at

A lifelong educator who’s worked in classrooms from kindergarten all the way past high school, Terrie Rolph has taught an extraordinarily diverse set of subjects, from academics to music to the right way to train dogs. Dedicated to learning herself, she writes both poetry and prose, has taken up photography and, though she loves her gardening, admits to being “abysmal” at it.

“Mostly," she tells us, "it makes me appreciate North Saanich’s professionals!"

Fully committed to local government, Terrie has volunteered through several North Saanich elections, ever pursuing the preservation and protection of

the natural features that make our home great.

Contact Terrie at or 250-883-6589

Dr. Sanjiv Shrivastava, on the ballot simply as Sanjiv, was born in India, grew up in Kenya and Zambia, and then earned a master’s degree in nuclear physics and a doctorate in condensed matter physics from Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa.  As a university professor for more than

20 years, he collaborated on numerous multi-national projects in Germany, Greece, and the USA, working in a wide variety of contexts, often navigating competing interests and strongly held points of views.   In 2011, Sanjiv joined his wife – political economist Professor Meenal Shrivastava - in Edmonton. They moved to North Saanich three years

later.   Here, his extensive deliberative experience promises to serve him – and his constituents – well around the council table. 

Meanwhile, he’s very happy here:  “We love North Saanich for its lush greenery, the amazing bird life, the iridescent Salish Sea, and the glimpses of ancient mountains. And the idyllic W̱SÁNEĆ region is also blessed with close-knit neighbourhoods and engaged community members.  We find ourselves now amidst our family-of-choice. 

North Saanich is well worth protecting.” 

Contact Sanjiv through his website at

Last but certainly not least is another three-term councillor Celia Stock, now running for re-election. Celia has a long history in public service, beginning with a ten-year government assignment in the Yukon and Northwest Territories where she served as an Alderman on the Yellowknife Council. Later, based in Ottawa, she negotiated the self-government agreement with the Nisga First Nation that lives on today.

Bringing a wide breadth of executive experience to the North Saanich Council, Celia has spent considerable time in financial management, negotiation and policy development, while also volunteering on the North Saanich Agricultural Commission and serving on the Parks Commission as Vice-Chair. A firm believer in a resident-centered OCP, she’s been a staunch defender of North Saanich agriculture and character for 11 years.

Contact Celia at or 250-655-3437.

We won't take up anymore of your time today - there's a lot of work to be done. We will be in touch soon with specific ways you can help, but in the meantime, please keep in mind that there are two things that fuel any political campaign:

Money and time.

We urge you to donate one, the other or - better yet - both.

There's three weeks to go - let's Save North Saanich!


1 Comment

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Sep 26, 2022

I'm disappointed you have put this forward without contacting me however, I support your right to comment as you have chosen. To those reading this, please know I was not polled for information from this group nor invited to any meet and greet they offered. I would have appreciated the opportunity and made the time to respond if I had.

Nancy Borden

Mayoral Candidate

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